Excerpt -- chapter 4

Excerpt -- chapter 4

Below is an excerpt from chapter 4. I wrote every chapter number you asked for on a separate piece of paper. For those of you who asked for all of it, I wrote a random number of my choosing ;) Then I had my mother-in-law randomly choose a piece of paper. Keep in mind:

- This is part of the chapter, not the whole thing.
- This is part of the working draft, which, like your cable television bill, is always subject to change without notice.
- The title is also in the works, so no reveal for that yet.
- Feel free to guess plot points and to share what you like/don't like (really!).
- Don't mind the formatting. A writer I am; a web format manipulator/expert I am not.
- This is a work of fiction, which means any resemblance to real-life is coincidental. Fiction is an amalgamation of a writer's real-world experience and his/her imagination.

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Is it worth what?

Is it worth what?

The other day I traveled through airports with my daughter, just the two of us. It was not what I'd call a fun day. She'll be 2 in July so it was a lot of this way and that, a lot of NO (from both of us, ha!), and squirrelly-ness galore. I cried a couple times. And I thought about my feelings about that phrase, 'but they're worth it'.

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This ain't nothin' but a phase

This ain't nothin' but a phase

I think sometimes we miss the point of life and its struggles. We are not meant to be comfortable all the time. Great things were not done by comfortable people living comfortable lives. I think sometimes we're unwilling to put up with something that's uncomfortable because we aren't willing to look past our own short sightedness. I think we complain too much instead of hunkering down and realizing that this ain't nothin' but a phase.

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